Tamara Knudson, M.Sc. Limnologist III
Mrs. Knudson is a Limnologist for the Spokane Tribe and leads the Limnology Program under the Lake Roosevelt Fisheries Evaluation Program. She also serves as the Project Manager and Technical Representative for the Tribe on the EPA Upper Columbia River Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study. She holds a B.S. in Biology and an M.Sc. in Biology with an emphasis in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology from Eastern Washington University. Her primary research interests include: 1) land-scape scale ecological interactions 2) effects of hydro-operations on ecological interactions between fisheries and lower trophic levels; 3) hydro-operations as drivers of change in community structure dynamics for native fish and invertebrates; 4) aquatic invasive species; and 5) effects of mining discharge products on fish and invertebrates in the Upper Columbia River. She is also involved with the American Fisheries Society and serves on the Executive Committee for the Washington-British Columbia Chapter.