Conor Giorgi, M.Sc. Anadromous Program Manager
Mr. Giorgi has been conducting research on Pacific Northwest aquatic systems for more than a decade. Much of this work has been performed within Columbia River Basin, been conducted across the international border, and done on behalf of federal, state, and tribal agencies, as well as the private sector. Data collected and technical reports he prepared have been used in the management of aquatic resources with the goal of improving ecological function. Examples include contributing to the monitoring and evaluation of mining sites across the inland northwest, conducting ecological assessments for the Columbia River and multiple tributaries, researching anadromous and resident salmonid species, and evaluating instream habitats in Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. While participating in these projects he has composed proposals for and secured multiple grants, assembled and managed both budgets and field crews, conducted data analysis, and synthesized research into technical reports.