Andy Miller, M.Sc. Sturgeon Biologist II
Andy Miller is originally from the west side of Washington and is currently the lead fisheries biologist for the Lake Roosevelt Sturgeon Recovery Project. His formal education consists of a B.S. in Biology from Eastern Washington University and M. Sc. in Biology from Eastern Washington University. He is an avid outdoorsman and spends much of his free time fishing, hunting and backpacking with his young family. He has been working for the Spokane Tribe of Indians for the last ten years. He was originally hired as a fisheries biologist for the Lake Roosevelt Fisheries Evaluation Program and was later transferred to the Lake Roosevelt Sturgeon Recovery Project in 2012. He is currently researching causes of White Sturgeon recruitment failure in the Transboundary Reach and implements a conservation aquaculture program. In addition, he is also investigating White Sturgeon abundance, determining the catch composition of White Sturgeon larvae for aquaculture program, identifying the food habits of White Sturgeon, implementing a White Sturgeon creel survey, monitoring White Sturgeon movements and is a member of the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative.