
Spokane Tribal Hatchery

Spokane Tribal Hatchery

Returning salmon and residential fish populations sustained the Spokane Indian Tribe from time immemorial to 1939, the year Grand Coulee Dam flooded ancestral lands of the Tribe and blocked salmon migrating up the Columbia River to the Tribes usual and accustomed fishing grounds. Land, fish, and a

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Lake Roosevelt Fisheries

Lake Roosevelt Fisheries

The objective of the Lake Roosevelt Fisheries Evaluation Program (LRFEP) is “to protect and restore a robust fishery for Lake Roosevelt”. In this pursuit, the LRFEP monitors fish populations, angler participation, and the limnology and water quality of Lake Roosevelt. Lake Roosevelt is managed by three co-management

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LRFEP limnologists monitor water quality and limnological parameters throughout the reservoir, including dissolved oxygen, temperature, total dissolved gas, and zooplankton populations. These parameters influence the abundance, growth, and survival of resident fishes. Zooplankton are the primary food available for age-0 fishes, as well as for many adult

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White Sturgeon

White Sturgeon

The Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project is a multi-agency project that is responsible for assessing the white sturgeon population in Lake Roosevelt. The project receives funding from the Bonneville Power Administration through direction of the Northwest Power Act and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Columbia

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The Spokane Tribe are salmon people.  Since time immemorial they relied on the bountiful runs of salmon and steelhead that thrived in the Spokane and Columbia Rivers as their primary form of sustenance.  A combination of factors led to the extirpation of local salmon populations in the

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Lake Roosevelt Creel Survey

Lake Roosevelt Creel Survey

The LRFEP oversees the Lake Roosevelt angler creel survey, which is conducted throughout the year and throughout the reservoir. Creel clerks survey anglers and record how many of each fish species were caught and harvested, how long the angler had fished that day, and allows creel clerks

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